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Police Brutality

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Police Brutality Empty Police Brutality

Post by Admin Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:48 pm

We need to talk about the plague of police brutality in America.


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Police Brutality Empty Re: Police Brutality

Post by Admin Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:54 pm

Man speaks out after arrest by Alabama police officer goes viral: 'I am really traumatized'
A Black man whose arrest in Alabama earlier this month went viral on social media is speaking out amid an investigation into the local police department.

"I try to act OK but I am really traumatized. I don't know how to feel about police now," Micah Washington told ABC affiliate WBMA in Birmingham, Alabama, on Thursday.

Washington, 24, said he was on his way to pick up his brother on Dec. 2 when his tire "had a real bad blowout." He said he was on the ground changing the tire when an officer approached him and demanded that he show her his ID.
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Police Brutality Empty Re: Police Brutality

Post by Admin Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:20 pm

Three Cops Fired After Killing A Man While Repossessing His Truck
Three police officers in Decatur, Alabama have been fired and a fourth has been suspended after they fatally shot a man while his truck was being repossessed in September. The announcement came from the city’s mayor, according to CBS News 19.

Police shot Steve Perkins to death outside his home on September 29, right as a tow company attempted to repossess his truck. Video of the scene apparently shows the officers yelling “get on the group” almost immediately before they shot him. Three officers were fired, and a fourth who was “involved to a lesser degree” was suspended, Mayor Tab Bowling said at a news conference, reported by NBC News.

Cops shot Steve Perkins immediately after telling him to get down on the ground.


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Police Brutality Empty Akron, Ohio officer shoots 15-year-old boy who was holding a fake gun

Post by Admin Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:06 pm

The usual shoot first and ask questions later, especially if you see black:
A police shooting in Akron, Ohio of a 15-year-old boy is drawing some criticism. Body camera footage released by the department shows the officer ordering Tavion Koonce-Williams to put his hands up.

The officer was responding to reports of a person pointing a gun at houses. Seconds later, the officer fired a single shot, hitting the teen in the hand. Video shows Williams was holding something that looked like a gun when the officer fired, but it turned out to be a toy gun. You can hear Williams on the body camera yelling, "It’s fake, it’s fake!"
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Police Brutality Empty Re: Police Brutality

Post by Admin Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:20 pm

A case of being black while being a police officer. This case shows that racism is pervasive in policing in America.


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Police Brutality Empty Re: Police Brutality

Post by Admin Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:18 am


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